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Parley's Park Elementary

School Community Council

Welcome to the home page of the Parley’s Park Elementary School Community Council. This group has been tasked with developing a long-range, strategic school improvement plan which encompasses three years and is focused primarily on setting, monitoring, and assessing goals to improve student achievement.

This year, PPES will receive $85,964.55 in LAND Trust funds. These funds will be used towards our School Improvement Plan. You may find  PPES School LAND Trust Plan 2022-23 and the PPES SSAP Site Specific Action Plan. The School Community Council has adopted Membership and Bylaws for the 2023-24 school year, which include rules of order and procedure. You can find SCC membership, SCC meeting agendas and minutes, and SCC meeting dates below. We encourage all parents to consider serving on the School Community Council to create our school goal and directly influence how LAND Trust funds are spent.

This school’s community council maintains all files in Google Drive.

Este año, PPES recibirá $85,964.55 en fondos LAND Trust. Estos fondos se utilizarán para nuestro Plan de Mejoramiento Escolar. Puede encontrar el Plan de Mejoramiento Escolar de Parley aquí. El Consejo de la Comunidad Escolar ha adoptado los estatutos para el año escolar 2023-24, que incluyen reglas de orden y procedimiento.. Puede encontrar la membresía del SCC, las agendas y actas de las reuniones del SCC y las fechas de las reuniones del SCC a continuación. Alentamos a todos los padres a que consideren participar en el Consejo de la Comunidad Escolar para crear nuestra meta escolar e influir directamente en cómo se gastan los fondos de LAND Trust.

El consejo comunitario de esta escuela mantiene todos los archivos en Google Drive.

Notice of Meeting:

SCC meetings will be held generally on the second Monday of every month at 1:15 pm. The following dates have been scheduled for the 2023-2024 school year:

SCC dates


See the meeting agendas here.